Peach variety VAVILOVSKY


     Tree is vigorous. Formation of flower buds is abundant. Flowers are rosaflorae. Fruit's ripening in steppe zone of the Crimea is in the 3 decade of July before variety Redhaven.
    Fruits are beautiful, very large (250-300 gr.), round, yellow with carmine marble blush on the largest part of the surface. Pubescence is medium velvet. Flesh is yellow, fibrous, juicy. The fruit  is semi-cling-stone. Flavor is very harmonic, sour-sweet. Biochemical content: dry substances – 13,6%, sugar – 12,1%, acid – 0,2-0,9, vitamin C – 9 mg%, anthocyanin – 11, leucoanthocyanin – 189, katehines -40, carotene – 1.06 mg%.
Variety is recommended for industrial and individual orchards.