Almond variety Oleksandr



      It differs by stable rest period and very late blossom period. It is self-fertile. It begins to produce fruits on the 3 year after planting. 18-years old trees are 4,2 m high.  Diameter of crown is 3,3 m. Crown is maniculate with thick foliage.
     Fruits are of medium-early ripening period. Nuts are of the same size,small, round-oval with sharpened top. Shell is thin but firm. Kernel is good with world market quality.
    Productivity is regular, high (12,5 – 13 c/ha). Output of kernel is 41,9%. Medium mass of nut is 1,7 gr. Mass of kernel is 0,7 gr. Double kernels are almost absent.
     Advantages of the variety: late period of blossom, regular high productivity, good kernels, all are of the same size.